IBERLOBO ON BIKE is a cross-border cooperation project between Castile and León and Northern Portugal, approved in the fourth call of the Interreg Spain-Portugal Cooperation Programme (POCTEP) 2021-2027. The project aims to create a Sustainable Cycle Destination that connects Spain and Portugal to promote the natural, cultural, and gastronomic heritage of the province of Zamora (ES) and the region of Trás-os-Montes (PT).
The project is not only aimed at cycling tourists and bike enthusiasts but also at families, nature lovers, and the general public. Alongside the main cycling route, the project also seeks to offer cultural, gastronomic, and health-related activities for everyone..
The intervention areas of the IBERLOBO project include the Montesinho, Douro International, Sanabria and Surroundings, and Arribes del Duero Natural Parks, as well as part of the Sierra de la Culebra Natural Reserve. Despite their rich natural, cultural, and heritage assets, these areas face dual challenges: low population density and a high ageing index. Currently, these destinations are perceived as day-trip locations, with very low overnight stays and visitor expenditure.
To address this situation, the IBERLOBO project proposes an active strategy for sustainable tourism development, encompassing the following actions:
Project Information:
- Project Code: 0233_IBERLOBO_ON_BIKE_2_P
- Programme: POCTEP – Interreg Spain-Portugal Cooperation Programme
- Priority: (P5) Strengthening cooperation to address demographic challenges in the cross-border area, creating attractive living conditions based on access to the labour market, essential public services, accessibility, and also applying principles of social inclusion and equality of opportunities and treatment.
- Specific Objective: Strengthening the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion, and social innovation.
- Political Objective: A more social and inclusive Europe through the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights.
- Region: Castile and León – Northern Portugal (Northwest Iberia)
- Start Date: 01/01/2024
- End Date: 31/12/2026
- Total Budget: €920,992.88
- ERDF-Funded Budget: €690,740
- Budget Assigned to the Chamber: €127,800.20
Partnership (Beneficiaries/Partners):
- Municipality of Bragança (Lead Beneficiary) (PT)
- Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Zamora (ES)
- Provincial Council of Zamora (ES)
- Natural Heritage Foundation of Castile and León (Government of Castile and León) (ES)
- Municipal Chamber of Bragança (PT)
- Municipality of Bragança (PT)
- Municipality of Vimioso (PT)
IBERLOBO is a cross-border cooperation project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg VI-A Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) Programme 2021-2027.
The European Commission assumes no responsibility for the content or the use that may be made of the information contained in this publication. The information and opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of their respective authors.
The European Commission assumes no responsibility for the content or use that may be made of the information contained in this publication. The information and opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of their respective authors.
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