About Us
Founded on December 19, 1912, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Zamora is ruled by Law 4/2014 of April 1, Basic Law for the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation in Spain.
It has its Corporate Headquarters Offices and Administrative Services in Zamora’s city centre, at Pelayo Street number 6, where the different administrative departments are located on different floors in the Social Building.
The Chamber is a Public Law Corporation, with legal personality and capacity to act for the fulfilment of its purposes and the exercise of the functions legally attributed to it, especially as follows:
- Represent, promote and defend the general interests of commerce, industry and services in the province of Zamora.
- It is a consultative body and it collaborates with the Public Administration.
- Provide assistance, advice and services to companies and entrepreneurs.
The Chamber is made up of all natural or legal persons who carry out commercial, industrial or service provision activities in the province of Zamora.
Its participation in the corporate plenary is carried out in accordance with the economic structure of the province, taking into account the relative economic importance of the various sectors represented.